New Apollo
Youth Symphony Orchestra
Creating Change Through Music
About New Apollo
Music is unique in that it is considered a universal language. Music education has not been given the same distinction and has lost its place of importance over time. The New Apollo Youth Symphony Orchestra is not only dedicated to reshaping music education but making sure to give that opportunity to our young musicians of all backgrounds. Our goal is to create a community around the youth symphony that has a great understanding of music, that is diverse in as many ways as possible and ultimately sets each student within it up to successfully pursue any goal they strive for. This will be different, this is the future, this is the New Apollo.
Create Music Ensembles
The first goal of the New Apollo is to create music ensembles consisting of orchestras, bands, and choirs for underprivileged students in the greater Bay Area community.
Provide Scholarships
One of the key cores to musical success is private lessons. Our goal is to provide scholarships to students who are not financially able to do so for themselves.
Design Technical Classes
We will eventually design classes that help the growth of student's technical musical abilities, that in turn will help push their musical studies.

"Without music, life would be a mistake."
Fredrich Nietzsche